Collin County Homeowners Ask: Should I Replace, Reface or Paint My Kitchen Cabinets?
August 11, 2020
Why Is It Important To Have Seamless Gutters?
September 11, 2020
Collin County Homeowners Ask: Should I Replace, Reface or Paint My Kitchen Cabinets?
August 11, 2020
Why Is It Important To Have Seamless Gutters?
September 11, 2020A kitchen is the focal point of most homes – so choosing its color scheme is an important decision to make. The wrong color can age a kitchen and undervalue your home.
Previously, we’ve covered some of the best colors to paint your kitchen, but what about a more general approach? With so many contrasting colors ‘on-trend’ it can be hard to identify a starting point.
Deciding whether to go with a light or dark palette for your kitchen cabinets is a great place to begin. So what should you be considering?
Light Kitchen Cabinets
A lighter kitchen cabinet color tends to be fool-proof for those who are not keen to redecorate in the near (or even far) future. Paler colors are less obtrusive to the eye, allowing homeowners to make statements with furniture and utensils if they want to, and ultimately offering more versatility to your kitchen environment.
Optimize the Space
Light kitchen cabinets are a great way to make spaces look bigger and brighter. Sun reflects better off lighter colors and it’s easy to create the illusion of a bigger kitchen if the cabinets don’t overshadow one another. Ivory colored cabinets are the epitome of combining both the timelessness of a light kitchen and one of the best colors to paint your cabinets to create a more open appearance.
Harder to Upkeep
Arguably the biggest downside to having light cabinets, is that a kitchen is a messy place – and stains are going to show up on light cabinets far more than dark ones. To keep your kitchen looking clean and fresh, you’ll need to ensure you’re wiping down your cabinets regularly and taking extra precaution in the kitchen – something a lot of homeowners would prefer not to do.
Dark Kitchen Cabinets
Trendy (a pro and a con)
Right now, dark kitchen cabinets are very ‘in’. People love a statement kitchen, and dark blue cabinets seem to be the go-to for homeowners currently designing or re-doing their kitchen. If you’re looking to make a statement and fall in love with your kitchen, dark cabinets are certainly the way to go – but they do come at the cost of all ‘trends’, that ultimately, they may go out of fashion. If you plan to sell in the near future, this is something you should consider. However, the most important part of picking your kitchen cabinet color is making sure it’s a color that you love.
Creates an Atmosphere
Colors dictate moods, and a kitchen is no different. By having a darker kitchen, you’re creating a more ambient mood and demonstrating an eye for sophistication. Darker cabinets can be highly complimented by the rest of the kitchen’s pallet, and you’re far more likely to give your kitchen a bit more personality than when choosing a typical white.
Hide the Wear and Tear
Contrary to the issue faced by those who choose a lighter cabinet color, dark cabinets do not show up the knocks, which allows homeowners to be a little less hands-on with the upkeep. Darker colors hide not only stains, but also any cracks or chips that have occurred over time, allowing you to hide them that little bit longer.
Both light and dark cabinets can be a huge benefit to the feel of your home, and we understand how important it is to ensure the color and application is right. At Texas Painting and Gutters, we offer a professional painting service, with expert guidance on choosing the right color for you. Get in touch today to transform your home.