DIY vs Professional House Painting: Why Going With The Pros Will Save You Time & Money
October 13, 2020
Tips For Planning An Interior Painting Project Before The Holidays
November 16, 2020
DIY vs Professional House Painting: Why Going With The Pros Will Save You Time & Money
October 13, 2020
Tips For Planning An Interior Painting Project Before The Holidays
November 16, 2020If you’ve started to notice the paint peeling in your home, the likelihood is it’s on your to-do list but life’s been getting in the way. A wall with peeling paint will age the whole room, no matter how pristine the rest of the furniture and fixtures are. The difference a freshly painted wall can make to a room or home is astounding, which is why you should be prioritizing any wall that currently is peeling.
However, before you start to look into repainting the wall, you need to discover why it’s peeling in the first place. If you don’t address the cause, you will be left with a wall that could potentially start to peel a few days after repainting.
Here are three reasons your walls could be peeling:
1. The Environment Of The Wall or Surface
If your wall or ceiling has started to peel, it could be to do with where it’s situated and the condition of the building. Humidity is experienced across Texas, and this can contribute to a build up in moisture, which will cause your walls to start blistering. Likewise, condensation encourages the growth of fungi, which could cause the walls to start flaking and peeling.
If your wall is exposed to heavy sunlight or high temperatures, then you may find the drying paint hasn’t bonded well, which is another cause of peeling and cracking walls.
2. The Surface Wasn’t Prepared Properly
If the time wasn’t taken to examine and prepare the wall properly, this could be the root of the peeling paint. Before you start anything else, you need to ensure the wall or surface is clean, prior to painting. Paint will not stick to a surface that has dirt or grit covering it – in fact, it could start to blister and bulge and immediately. Remember, it might be a clean surface to your eye, but there’s no harm in going over it to ensure there’s nothing separating the paint from the surface.
The next preparation step is ensuring the right paint primer has been used to allow the paint to stick properly. Different primers are needed for different surfaces, and it’s important to make sure this is completely dry before you begin application.
3. The Wrong Type of Paint Was Used
Just like the primer, the type of paint used needs to be compatible with the surface. Depending on the substances in the surface, you could find the paint will react upon application. Surfaces which are already glossy can have problems with bonding, which makes them flake far quicker as the paint struggles to stick.
How, then, do you ensure that when you paint your home you’re not going to choose the wrong paint or experience flaking and peeling walls?
The only answer that is guaranteed to get you a wall which no longer peels and is covered up long-term, is to hire a professional. One of the most common reasons professional painters are hired, is to fix the mistakes of those who have taken it upon themselves to ‘DIY’ their house painting projects. More often than not, this is the root cause of flaking, peeling and bubbling paint surfaces.
At Texas Painting and Gutters, we want you to get it right the first time. With local knowledge and understanding of the Texan environment, you don’t need to worry about the wrong types of primer or paint, as we take it out of your hands. Contact us today to request a free house painting estimate.