Everything You Need To Know About Ceiling Painting

Choosing Your Paint

The most popular type of ceiling paint is flat or matte white. People  like flat and matte paints for ceilings because they hide imperfections  better than other paints. Satin and gloss finishes tend to highlight flaws.

Materials You’ll Need

Primer, paint tray (and paint tray liner), angled paint brush for edging, Plastic sheeting, Painter’s tape (2 inches thick), Extension pole for paint roller, Paint stirring stick, Spackle, Fine-grit sandpaper, Medium-grit sandpaper, Vacuum

Prepping Your Area

If you’ve already painted your walls, or don’t plan to paint them, it’s  worth hanging plastic sheeting over the walls as well. You’ll also want  to cover your windows and doors with plastic sheeting.

Priming the Ceiling

Priming is a necessary step to prepare the ceiling to take the ceiling  paint. You should use a stain-blocking primer if your ceiling has any  water, smoke, or other stains. If your ceiling is textured, use a  high-build primer.

Work in 4-Foot Squares

When you start painting with the roller, try to paint in three to  five-inch squares. You can keep better track of your progress and  quality of work this way. It’s important to coat the paint evenly to  avoid imperfections.

Paint a Second Coat

Tinted paint and bright white paint usually require two coats of paint.  If you do opt for a second coat, make sure you give the first coat time  to dry first.

Benefits of Hiring Professional Painters

Although it is fun and affordable to do your own ceiling painting, you  will always get a better result when you hire professional painters.

Contact Us Today!

Professional painters are more experienced, more skilled, more  efficient, and offer insurance in case anything goes wrong or gets  damaged during the painting process. For the most reliable and affordable ceiling painting services in Texas, contact us today to get your free ceiling painting quote today!